Saturday, November 20, 2010

MMMM Chocolate...

Every Tuesday at daycare is share day, show and tell, and every Tuesday Mason wants to bring something to share.  Mama Catherine tells me that Mason always has to be the one to share, and makes sure that everyone has a toy, is happy...  he is the ultimate helper.  So every other Tuesday I try and have something for him to share that's a homemade treat.  We've done cookies, and Halloween treats, and this week it was brownies!  My little assistant helped me whip up a batch of brownies and he ran off with the spoon!

He ran to Micah, who was in the tub and helpless to fend off the spoon thief!
Seriously, how cute is that chocolate covered face?

School is going well, as well as can be expected.  So far I have A's in all my classes.  Who would have thought that if I did my HW and went to class I would pass (not me)!  I tend to procrastinate somethings, like math to the night before, oops!   Although, school is going good Micah and I are still trying to find a healthy rhythm, like he vacuums and I do the dishes (we are still in that I get pissed, slam around the kitchen, give him a few one word answers and then he takes out the trash[ my communication skills are really up there I know]).   We'll find our rhythm and then well tackle laundry! 
I am so grateful to all my awesome GFs, even though my time with them is usually when I'm driving to school or home, so far they still answer when I call. 
Thanks for all the sweet emails, happy messages, and prayers, I feel like I don't say thank-you enough, and that I will never be able to return the favors  (enough with my stor-imony) 
We are good, alive, living in filth, but totally content!

See the dirty carpet! 
This was Mase this morning, he was ready to go back to sleep on the carpet. (the little stinker, decided to stay up and do HW w/ me)  I had to carry him sleeping, in the rain out to the car, where he slept until we got to Mama Catherine's and then he was so excited he wouldn't even wave bye to me (as long as he's not crying I'm good)

1 comment:

Nathaniel and Julie Clinger said...

Going to school. Truly a busy Mom. Hang in there. Love reading your blog. Take care.