Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just a little about Miles

This kid kills me sometimes
He is so willful all of a sudden
He has a mean right hook, followed by a star inspiring head butt
If Mason can do it so can he... or else
He is in size 4 diapers (he's only 11 months, but the blowouts were too gross for words)
He says mama, dada, brabra (brother), baba, hi, bye bye and a few others!
He is a garbage disposal, he cleans his plate (and I just caught Mase giving him food and then telling me so sweetly all done)
He sleeps like a champ 730 to 6 with a break at 1230 and 430 like clock work! (this does not mean you may call me at 630 there is still a chance I will bite your head off)
Miles is such a fun kiddo, and I definately have that I wish we had done this with Mase thought on some of his behaviors.

He is sleeping across his bed, with his head cushioned on his arms and the bumper and his little feet up on the slats (he is just like his daddy, he hates to have his feet covered)

1 comment:

Charles, Kellie, Gabe and Khale said...

I can't believe that he is already almost a year old. He is so cute. We miss you guys!