Sunday, July 19, 2009

A lazy weekend...

After a whirlwind trip to Seattle its been nice to rest and relax this weekend!

We went to Lone Pine farms to feed the goats and play on the tractor!

Mason absolutely loves riding on Mics shoulders

I'm sure the view is great from up there!

We lost a cherished member of the fam this week... our sweet microwave will surely be missed, well aleast until we get used to the new one!

Mason decided to eat his pancakes in his new house while watching tv... so is our apartment now a 3 bdrm?

Mason likes to hang-out with his... diaper out! He took off the second I had his diaper on... as long as he's happy I'm good!

Camberra, I can't get on to your blog because its private... thanks for all the nice comments though!


Charles, Kellie, Gabe and Khale said...

That first pic of Mason on Micahs shoulders is too cute! My boys still love a good box!

Mechelle said...

Mason is so cute- i love his hair- adorable- are you going to be in the valley this weekend?

Kate and Cole said...

I love those pajamas! I used to have some like that and i thought they were awesome because you could go pee without taking them off!