I just got an email from my Psychology professor, that reads:
I want to personally compliment you for your hard work and dedication, you are now one of the tops in the class. Great work, girl.
David Leung
I spent double the amount of time on this class than I did any other, and I royally failed my second test, to the point that he told me if I couldn't handle his class I would never make it through any of my Anatomy/ Physiology classes... So I cried, buckled down, and joined a tutoring group. I just figured my grade at a 97.3
I'm on my way up, I don't doubt that it will get harder from here, but I right now I am just enjoying this moment! I had to share my little success!
Mom, remember when I was in 4th grade and you promised me 5 bucks for every A, I am totally cashing in that offer!
PSY201 A
WR121 A
MTH 60 A
YAY! That's such a nice email to get from a professor, Mel!
Also, your mom needs to up the ante. $10 per A, minimum!
When we were little, once my younger siblings started getting bad grades we'd be offered $50 for Straight A's. I don't think it happened very often for anyone, though.
Awesome. School, mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, etc. Good work. Way to accomplish this with all your other demands.
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