Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mom get out your checkbook... I got a 4.0

I just got an email from my Psychology professor, that reads:


I want to personally compliment you for your hard work and dedication, you are now one of the tops in the class. Great work, girl.

David Leung

I spent double the amount of time on this class than I did any other, and I royally failed my second test, to the point that he told me if I couldn't handle his class I would never make it through any of my Anatomy/ Physiology classes...  So I cried, buckled down, and joined a tutoring group.  I just figured my grade at a 97.3

I'm on my way up, I don't doubt that it will get harder from here, but I right now I am just enjoying this moment!   I had to share my little success!

Mom, remember when I was in 4th grade and you promised me 5 bucks for every A, I am totally cashing in that offer!

PSY201       A
WR121        A
HDFS226    A
MTH 60       A


Chelsea said...

YAY! That's such a nice email to get from a professor, Mel!

Also, your mom needs to up the ante. $10 per A, minimum!

When we were little, once my younger siblings started getting bad grades we'd be offered $50 for Straight A's. I don't think it happened very often for anyone, though.

Nathaniel and Julie Clinger said...

Awesome. School, mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, etc. Good work. Way to accomplish this with all your other demands.