I know I am going to take a ton of crap for this video, but I absolutely DO NOT AGREE with these people.
Okay, now to explain where I am coming from... In this world there are all types of people and I believe that God created us all different intentionally! There are straight and gay, black and white, male and female... correct me if I am wrong, but these differences are not new. In fact I would argue that these differences have been around since the beginning of recorded history. Women have fought for their rights and won, African Americans have fought for theirs also and won. Now I believe that the Gay community is fighting for their rights. I will confess that I don't necessarily agree with the gay lifestyle, but the fact remains that homosexuals exist and that they have families, pay their taxes, work hard, and contribute to society. I do believe that even the great city of Salt Lake had a gay Mayor. We as a society expect them to contribute and be a part of society, but we refuse to give them the same rights we ourselves enjoy! I believe that this is wrong!
We as parents lead by example. I believe that by refusing to discuss homosexuality in our homes and schools, we are contributing to our children's ignorance. In this life our children are going to come in contact with gays at school, at church, in public, and in the work force. It's a weak argument that: by learning about homosexuals our children will somehow turn out "gay." Using that logic, I would be much more worried about the things are children see on TV and in the movies. We must now decide to teach not only tolerance but also acceptance. We must learn to base our opinions on the individual and not the group. Its time to work together as a whole to achieve a better future for those who will come after us. The gay community is not going to disappear, or segregate themselves in San Francisco... away from the Christian Conservatives. They are going to be working, living, and growing next to us - contributing to our communities and country just as we do! I think that its now time that we have the common decency to stop condoning bigotry in the name of morality.
Go Girl - The "No on Prop 8" group needs you here in California, not in Oregon. You worded you concerns with the issue very well - great post!
I agree that we need to teach our children about all issues, not protect them! I think that people are just afraid of the unknown and they need to trust themselves and their children a little more!
I agree with you 100%! I used to be against gay marriage. I now have made friends with a couple ladies who are in gay relationships. They are the most loving, caring ladies. They have a relationship with their partners just like John and I. They should have all the rights we all have. To children, healthcare and everything else we enjoy as a married couple! Way to go. I will stand on this soap box with you!
I also agree with you. If people want to live gay let them be! Everyone needs to be equal! No to prop 8. this is so retarted.
YIKES! What a controversy huh! My first gut impression as a mother a 5 year old... is don't you dare be teaching my five year old about relationships like that homo or hetero, innapropriate at that age! If that prince book was read to my little kid, with them kissing?? Mmmmm. NO! Wouldn't fly with me. Kids at that age are too innocent still.
THAT being said......I do have a very good family friend, whom I adore, that is a Lesbian and in a long term relationship. I want her to have all the rights to her partner, and she loves on my kids whenever she can. So I am definitely FOR equal rights... BUT that being said again, not sure I can agree with changing the definition of marriage totally.... Can't they just do civil unions... I dunno, this IS a tough one!! I've read that Prop 8 would lead to churches being sued for not marrying the couples and preachers could be imprisoned for preaching the verses of the Bible that talk "anti-homosexuality". So I myself am concerned about the details within Prop 8. I wish this was easier... just equality for all.... with no problems... wouldn't that be nice!? For us and our children!?
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