Thursday, October 23, 2008

Words can not express...

My husband is the ying to my yang!! I know how cheesy, but I need to take a minute and give Mic a standing ovation! Micah has been working 70-90 hour weeks lately, he gets up every morning at 4 or 5 and works until he gets ready for work, he doesn't get home usually until after 7 or 8 he will eat with us and relax for an hour and then its right back to work until 12. He doesn't stop on the weekends either, some how he finds a way to do 10-15 hrs of work and hang out with Mason and I.

He is amazing, under the stress I would have wilted or given up... not Micah he pushes through just like he was raised to do and he still makes time for his family. Micah I love you so much and I will always believe that you can do anything



Lindsy said...

I tag you, check my blog for the info ;)

Brown eyed girl said...

awwww! That's sooo sweet! Sorry, I haven't been commenting lately! Haven't had much time to myself, or for the computer lately! Miss ya!!!