Monday, January 2, 2012

The Train Wreck Tree

I love having a fresh tree in the house, I love the smell of it and the way it makes Christmas a reality.  I grew up with real trees, (even though my parents have since sold out and gone with the fake pre-lit tree) some of my favorite childhood memories are putting up the tree.

I loved out tree this year and Miles had some serious love for it too!
He actually tried to climb it when we first put it up (TIMBER), I have no idea where he got that idea!
When he realized up wasn't an option he figured down was just as good, so the rest of his time with the tree was spent pulling it down. 
The lights and ribbons where constantly hanging off

I bought a train to try and get the  boys attention off the tree, they had it busted by the end of the week... I left the poor broken cars lying under the tree.

Mason decided to add his cars as decoration to the tree... I found all sorts of goodies in the tree as I took it down.

I'm pretty sure there was never such a well loved tree!

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