Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We are still alive...

Just checking in, we are still alive, just super busy!  I have 2 papers due this week, a math test, and next week if finals and I have 4 finals to prepare for.... bare with me I will get back to the blog soon!

PS  I renewed my hair license and am having it transfered to Oregon... I'm only going to take 12 credits this summer instead of 14-15 so I decided I should work, and make some extra spending dough... I've lost a little weight and need some new threads... life is good, super high stress, but I am really loving being so busy!

Wish me luck on my finals, Anatomy is slowly sucking the life out of me, but I am determined to get a B (I know my standards have slipped a little, but science is not my forte)


Julie Barnes said...

Congrats on almost finishing the semester and I wish I lived in Oregon because I would FOR SURE visit your salon. YOU know all about curly hair... and I need help. ;)

Tawny Crane said...

Good to hear, what salon is it Amelia and I will have to drop by, after all that hard work you deserve new clothes! Hope your finals go well!