Sunday, December 26, 2010


This year we stayed home, started some of our own traditions.  Like Miles, untrimming the tree, over and over and over again!   Or the kids opening anything wrapped under the tree on everyday but christmas morning (we still have a couple of unwrapped gifts to go, not because we had a ton for the kids, but because by gift 3 they were both done), and my new fav kill the spider that just crawled off the tree! 
Miles loved the tree sooooo much!

Santa brought Mase Tonkas galore
(he was in heaven watching Despicable Me, and playing Tonkas)

Mase stole every gift that was Miles, and did his best to rub it in... 
Aaahhhh these precious traditions, we will come to treasure for years to come!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank goodness for the police!

I was preparing to take a quick over night trip with the kids out the the coast, I sent the kids to a half day at Daycare for pictures and so I could take some time to get ready to leave.  At 1230 I was searching for my keys (I always miss place them at home) so I could go and get the kids, when I got a call from Catherine at the Daycare.  She was calling to tell me not to come, she said the street was blocked off by police, the SWAT team was out in full gear, and everyone was wearing visible bullet proof vests (if they show, do they count)

She said, she had run outside when the first couple of officers where out of there cars, yelling that this was a daycare and there were small children inside.  They directed her back to the house (the kids go to a registered in home care center in a nice area) and then they blocked her drive way with vehicles and several officers stood outside her place.

My first reaction was laughter (I must be completely off my rocker), it helped me keep the hysterics at bay.  They directed her to keep the kids away from the windows and in the back of the home.  When she made that statement I said I'm calling Micah and then I'm calling the station.  I told her I trusted her and her judgement and told her to keep my babies safe (she may have started to cry at this point, I don't know I hung up)  I called Micah and he started searching online for any breaking news.  I called the station and the dispatch person, said that they had the situation contained and where now dealing with a large crime scene.  At this point I started freaking (our new obsession is Dexter and my imagination was running away with me), I called Micah back to give him the 411 on the situation and headed for the car.

When I got there the road was blocked off, and only the people not wearing uniforms but carrying badges(detectives I think) where getting behind the yellow tape. The officer standing at the tape was looking a little hounded, and very unhappy with anyone coming near his yellow plastic.  I told him in my best adult "impression" what he was going to do, and when he started to refuse I told him to contact his superior. It took 5-7 minutes, 5 phone calls, and him requesting that I step back from the tape 3 times, before I got an escort to the kids... but I got to my babies!

The kids were not ready to leave and as I grabbed blankets, Mason headed for the door.  He easily dodged the officer and made it almost to the crime scene, before the man caught him and carried him back down the street and placed him solidly in his car seat.   The entire time he carried Mase he held him extended from his body, with his arms pinned to his sides facing away from him (it was like he had a bomb).  I would have laughed, but I was a little nervous with the first of 2 Swat buses trying to pass around us.

We headed out of town as fast as we could!

Here is  The link to the story

This is what it looked like when I pulled in

The officer I abused to get to my babies (poor guy)  All the action was at least 1/4 of a mile farther back, and the actual shooting was in a cul de sac off of this street.

I am very grateful to the Eugene Police Department for responding quickly to this situation.  I feel awful for the mans family, I have no sympathy for him and as far as I'm concerned the police did the right thing shooting him ( I'm sorry, but being a Veteran does not give him the right to run around like an idiot randomly firing a weapon and to endanger my kids,  he's lucky the police got to him before I did).  I have real issues with Veteran's acting like idiots and then playing the Vet card as an excuse for their bad behavior.  I think that our local service departments deserve the same respect that we give to Veterans, they work hard keep us safe and get paid crap (they sound the same to me)!  


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When did my side of the bed get so lumpy?

I went to get into bed a minute ago and look at what was there instead...   I love that the sippy (still called a baba) and the car both made it into bed with him!  He hoped the gate from his room and climbed in bed with Micah, quietly layed down facing the baby (Miles had flipped around in his crib and his head is pointed at Mase) and went to sleep.  All this was done while I was reading in the living room, I seriously didn't hear a peep!

My little 007 jr, he prefers his chocolate milk shaken not stirred...

As he gets bigger and more independent, these are the moments I will look back on (with a mixture of relief, and longing)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mom get out your checkbook... I got a 4.0

I just got an email from my Psychology professor, that reads:


I want to personally compliment you for your hard work and dedication, you are now one of the tops in the class. Great work, girl.

David Leung

I spent double the amount of time on this class than I did any other, and I royally failed my second test, to the point that he told me if I couldn't handle his class I would never make it through any of my Anatomy/ Physiology classes...  So I cried, buckled down, and joined a tutoring group.  I just figured my grade at a 97.3

I'm on my way up, I don't doubt that it will get harder from here, but I right now I am just enjoying this moment!   I had to share my little success!

Mom, remember when I was in 4th grade and you promised me 5 bucks for every A, I am totally cashing in that offer!

PSY201       A
WR121        A
HDFS226    A
MTH 60       A

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Daddy came through on a business trip..

My Dad swung through on a whirl wind trip, we were lucky to see have him stay over night with us, and the kid were so excited to him!  These are the only pics I thought to get, dang!  When Mason saw my dad he got this giant grin on his face, ran to him and they hugged forever.  It was a heart warming moment, I'm so glad my son loves his gradpa!
Miles was thrilled to get a little extra attention!

They were the best couch TV pals!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving continued...

Black Friday!
Did you know that the bible has a very specific date listed for when the end comes, but don't worry even though these crazies think they have less than 6 months to live, they were still out taking advantage of
Best Buy's Black Friday deals!  (someone should remind them that they can't take it with them)

Kellie and I braved the crowds to get a some great deals, and have some girl time! 

When we got home, it was football heaven (seriously, all football, all the time), I actually enjoyed it (surprise, surprise right).  Micah was in heaven!

Saturday we woke up to snow!  YEAH!  I came down stairs with our little lark at 7:45 to see that Gabe had already been out to leave tracks!  When I asked him what he was doing, he said "don't worry I asked my mom"  such a smart little stinker.

Mase refused to be left out!

He enjoyed himself so much that, we almost couldn't get him back in.  I had to run after him barefoot a few times, what a way to wake up!

That evening Mase snuggled with both Kellie and Charles, so glad he loves them!

All too soon it was time to go home.  Why is it when your having fun, time flies?  I can't wait to for Thanksgiving 2012, this is turning into a great tradition!

**On a side note I should be studying for my math final, I just needed a minute (that turned into 20)... wish me luck my final is this evening and I'm freaking out!  

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving in Callifornia

The month of November has flown.  Thanksgiving came and went way too quickly and I wish so much that I could have paused some of our time in California.  So heres a recap of our Thanksgiving Holiday. 
We were so lucky to get invited to spend Thanksgiving with Micah's brother Charles and his family at a cabin on Lake Shasta.  We took off Wednesday afternoon and drove a couple of hours south to Lakehead, CA.  The kids did great on the way down, we didn't hear a peep until Medford (almost 3 blissful hours of us time!)  When we got there we unloaded and got settled.  The kids slept with us (of course) and this is what they looked like just about everymorning... Miles is our lil lark and Mase is the night owl, it was a night mare trying to get them to bed everynight (mase woke miles and miles woke mase... precious i know) 

Kellie said she would do the whole Thanksgiving dinner if I would make the rolls (I yelled yes from the top of the my lungs)  Mase fell asleep during dinner so we let Miles have what was left of his meal.
He was in heaven... (stuffing and mash potatoes)

He was so pissed when we took the tray away.

Thanksgiving was so fun, every other year with the Clinger's is turning into a tradition (my new fav)!.... more to come

For now I have a paper to finish... finals week here I come!