Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where in the world has October gone...

The signs of the Season... ahhh fall is here. Finally the air is crisp at night and the leaves are changing! The stores are stocking up on pumpkins and gourds, baking supplies, and holiday decorations... is there a better time of season?

Jackets... Micah picked out this jacket, such a cute/cool choice!

Morning snuggles

Football... Mason falls asleep watch football w/ dad all the time!

Fuzzy Catapillars, Mason loved this one...

Soooo much he ate it... I called Judy worried he had posioned himself, nope just a little extra protein!

The changing leaves... our road looks so pretty!


Kate and Cole said...

Wow, he's good at eating random things! THe trees looks so pretty.

Charles, Kellie, Gabe and Khale said...

GROSE! That is a crack up!

The South Pasadena Dornys said...

Senya eats bugs too - so weird!

The Hintze Family said...

Mason is too cute! Your street is gorgeous, just be glad that you're not in the snow!!!