Thursday, July 16, 2009

Seattle's Best!

We spent a few days in Seattle while Micah was doing some things for work! Mason is finally at that age where traveling is just too much for him. So unless we are headed to visit family we probably will not go with Micah again... sniff sniff!

Here is what we did in Seattle!

Mason's quality driving skills got us there safely (Mic and I even got a nap while Mase drove)

We found lots of Malls in our area... and Malls = Play areas!

Lots of play area's

I think this guy looked familiar to Mason... hmmm I wonder who this looks like to him?

Of course we visited the Space Needle, Mason was thoroughly unimpressed... It may have been a bit past his bed time... oops!


Bananas and Damask Interiors said... that kid. So cute. He really looked like he was sitting in traffic! That is a classic space needle pic. We'll see you soon.

Clingers said...

Fun Fun Fun i really need to meet you because we have somthing in common you love to blog me 2!!!

Camberra Clinger

Charles, Kellie, Gabe and Khale said...

It looks like you stayed busy. It is always hard to be away from home with a little one. Those pictures are too cute.

The South Pasadena Dornys said...

It is so funny that you had that experience with Mason, because we are feeling the same way about Senya after our trip!