Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Before / After and a few projects...

Here are some of the things I've been up too! Nothing serious just things to stay busy... sorry for the blog over load lately I just have lots to share!

The old bookcase now rocks for mason's toys!

I made this fabric bucket for my friend Jessica's baby shower and filled it with lots of other cute matching homemade gifts that i forgot to take a pic of oops!

This cute quilt by Thimble Blossoms(thanks Kira for the emotional support!) It's now sewn together and I need to pick my borders.

Remember this ugly green table...

Now a sexy black! I need to find different decorations for the top but still alot better!


Anonymous said...

Darling! I told you you could do it! It looks so cute! Can't wait to see it done.

The South Pasadena Dornys said...

I LOVE THE QUILT! It is awesome! Good job Mel :)