Friday, April 10, 2009

Honest opinions needed...

Would you pay money for this and if you would how much would you pay? Ok lets be honest, this isn't a skirt that would be too difficult for any mother with a sewing machine to make... granted it did take a whole nap time (which most moms don't want to spend on a skirt) Here is the link to the basic pattern I used click here

So I would really like an honest opinion... some constructive criticism

This is what Mason was doing while I stitched together the Rose for the bottom of the skirt


Chelsea said...

i like it! I might suggest moving the rose from the bottom of the skirt to closer to the waistline though. I don't know how tough that would be...maybe on the next one you make?

I have no idea about pricing. I find that's the hardest part about selling things you've made. Make sure it covers your materials. And pays you for your time. If you get in a groove and can make, say, 1 in an hour, pay yourself at least 10/hr. Also, if you make them out of trendy fabric (heather bailey, sandi henderson, amy butler) people will be willing to pay more.

just my 2¢

Anonymous said...

the rule of thumb on hoandmade goods is, cost of material time 3. That covers your time, thread and interfacing if you need it. That's how I price my bags. I think its cute. The key to making things look great, my bags, quilt and clothing is IRONing them. Make sure they are pressed really well. You would be surprised at what a difference that makes.

Anonymous said...

the rule of thumb on hoandmade goods is, cost of material time 3. That covers your time, thread and interfacing if you need it. That's how I price my bags. I think its cute. The key to making things look great, my bags, quilt and clothing is IRONing them. Make sure they are pressed really well. You would be surprised at what a difference that makes.

Charles, Kellie, Gabe and Khale said...

Very Cute! I have never actually sold anything that I made. I am the master of just giving them away because I am an idiot. Good luck, I hope you make bank!

Kate and Cole said...

Um ya! It is stinkin cute! You are getting very good with a sewing machine! Love the colors too. good job

Mechelle said...

I don't know why I looked at the pattern becuase I don't really know how to sew that well- but I loved the skirt! I think that I would move the rose up closer to the hip maybe- I think that it's great!