Saturday, November 22, 2008


I went to twilight on Thursday night... Micah and I had a deal when Mase was born, I stayed home with a him while Mic went to "DARK KNIGHT" and when the movie "Twilight" came out Mic would watch the baby. I was going to take Mason with me, but having lil man out until after 2 am in the morning so I could see a movie seemed a lil selfish, so Micah said he was ready and willing to pay up... I wasn't really sure I was ready to leave Mason alone with daddy for that long call me crazy, but most of you have never watched Micah watch ESPN, CNN, tv in general... if he doesn't like what he is hearing it can get ugly plus...WHAT IF MY BABY NEEDS ME!!!!

Micah was understanding, firm, and direct all the way until he kicked me out the door. It was an easy 3 hours where I was one of the only adults not escorting 13 year olds or not sneaking beer in the movie (I was surrounded by underage college kids, with beer bottles sticking out of there pockets and smelling like cheap Coors) Half way through the movie I could understand why they wished to be drunk... it would have made the movie much less painful! So lesson learned twilight the movie would be a thousand times better if you watch it while inebriated!

I got home only to find Micah wide awake in bed, with a baby who cried the whole time I was gone (almost 3 hours). My poor babies needed me, I knew it! The whole thing was not worth the trouble, but it was nice to have some time to myself.


Chelsea said...

Awww, poor boys! Hopefully it helps with two things: you feel MORE loved and needed by your babes and they appreciate you all the more.

If you hadn't seen it though, you would have been sad until you knew it wasn't worth it, if that sentence made sense. ha!

Kate and Cole said...

I know what you mean about Micah wathcing TV...if cole doesn't like what he hears, watch out! It can be pretty amusing though. That's too bad that movie wasn't good. I want to go see it next week with my sisters and mom. Sounds like I should go with low expectations...

The Hintze Family said...

I went to the movie on Thursday night as well; I love the book, but was a bit put out with the movie. It was good, but it should have been so much more! Sage watched the kids - it'll be a while before I'm allowed to venture out that late again!!!