Sunday, August 24, 2008

To binky or not to binky...

Its been another week of sameness... and I have to be grateful for normalcy! Mason and I are working on building a routine, and basically, he still rules the roost! I love the time we spend together and I am getting better at juggling this whole mom thing. I no longer feed him every hour just because he grunts, I don't change him just because he threw up on his outfit, and I allow strangers to hold him (within reason) when we are out.

Again here are some pictures of us and things we have done lately!

We started the binky this week. Can you see him holding it in?

My little bed hog, I need to hide the camera from Micah, I hate these early morning pictures

We decided to head to Cottage Grove and go to the a little country fair! It was very little and full of very unique individuals who probably smoke a lot of pot and make a conscious choice to not bath. Micah thought it was ridiculous and I of course loved it! I really wanted to do the pony ride for me not Mase! I had to settle for pictures instead. Next year Mason and I are all over it!

This was the game area, there really wasn't much.

I love this little train, they have one in Star Valley for the 24th, this one looks a little more safe! (probably because its top speed was 5 mph, in the valley its the faster the better)

I love this pic (I had to take it all stealth like) this poor kid was the only kid on the train and he looked tortured as his mom took pictures of him. Poor kid: overbearing mother, chubby, curly red hair... I bet he has a great personality!


The Hintze Family said...

My first thoughts of the red headed child at the fair, where a bit humorous! I love that you took his picture! I'm glad that you are enjoying everything; I would tell you that it gets easier, but that would be a lie. The baby part gets easier but than they start to grow up. Enjoy every second and keep the pictures comin'!

Charles, Kellie, Gabe and Khale said...

That is awesome! The look on the kids face says it all. Is there any chance you guys are coming down here to visit anytime soon? I just thought that I would check :-D

Brown eyed girl said...

HAHAHA!! Cracking up at the kid in the train!! IT's like a picture from an ad of some kind!
YES, we binky....