Sunday, October 23, 2011

Our first overnight

Micah and I finally got away, it was our first over night trip since having the boys.




We went to Meghan's Cabin with a bunch of friends and had a BLAST!  Every year Meghan (One of the awesome people Mic works with)  reserves a weekend at her Family's property in White Salmon, WA, for a bunch of party hearty accountants to cut loose. 

Our Glamping (Glam + Camping) was a blast, unfortunately I only took a couple of candid pics of everyone sitting around the fire, telling stories. 

It was wonderful to not have my mind on the boys 24/7.  It was wonderful to spend time with other adults, and not to be watching the clock to get back to a sitter.  Many thanks to my friend Jojo, for taking the kids and making them her own (Mason talked about Jackson, over and over). 

I wanted to at least document our first time away, the first of many to come! (hopefully)

 Poor Kenny got a splinter dragging some branches to the fire. 
Surgery was done on the deck.

 Amy, Nicole, and Ashley... These girls are a riot!

Washington side of the Columbia... the weather was perfect!

Friday, October 21, 2011

I can do it all by myself...

Miles is growing so fast, it makes me sad to see how independent he is.   Don't get me wrong I want him to do for himself, but the bigger he gets the faster the time goes (I know that doesn't sound right, but life seems to only speed up as they grow).

I struggle with the desire to add to our family, but I realize that I have limits as a mother.  I know that I can not  emotionally or physically have more babies (I hemorrhaged after Miles and dealt with a wicked case of post partum).  Seeing Miles get bigger is just a painful reminder that my baby days are over. (i think) 

Watching the boys grow and change is a privilege, seeing these beautiful beings I created and carried becoming their own little person, is the most humbling thing.  Mostly because they seem to mirror all my bad behaviors, and I can see the problems they are going to have the older they get. 

Looking into the future and thinking about the life they have ahead of them, always makes me want to cry...

My feet don't touch, but if you try and help me I might bite you!

Catherine, trying to keep him from eating it (at least we steered him towards the grass)

Another Duck win!

We went to another Duck game, can I just say how very much I love Autzen Stadium!!

The day before I met Darrion Weens (#74) at the ATT store, such a very nice guy!  For such a big man he was very soft spoken and just seemed like this giant teddy bear.  I promised him I would yell my heart out for him and he promised to wave to our section. 

I forgot to watch for the wave, but he didn't look very gentle and sweet on the field! 
I watched him jump/dive and take a guy out!

I felt sorry for the player he landed on!

This is Nikki G, she and Mic work together and she is a dear friend of mine... so glad we got to go together!

 I love watching the guys run onto the field! 
Micah didn't look for the camera, he was watching the game... I promise I watched to!  I just love when we get time together, and I feel the need to document it!