Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I found the World's Longest Gummie Snake at the the market! 

I just knew that the coolest boys in the world would love it as a suprise! 

They totally did!

Look how great they are sharing!  YEA!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

"Here it goes again"

The kids and I woke up this morning to a chill in the house... summer in Oregon is over.  It went so quickly, and it was so late getting here, that I feel cheated! 
I don't long for the hot weather, being the well rounded person that I am, heat and I aren't dear friends.  I do hate to lose all the beautiful sun shine, and I will miss the dry green of summer.
Its Oregon, we tend to be green year round, but the winter green is squishy, mossy, and muddy.
Along with the season change comes the a new school year, today is my first day back on campus, I am so nervous and anxious to get through this term.  I was up all night with Micah, he was working and I was trying to distract myself with some On Demand (I heart SUITS).  I've never worried so much about a new term, but this term I will be repeating Anatomy and Physiology 231 (its the first in a series of 3) I passed it in  the spring, but the C I fought so hard to get did not feel like a job well done.
Lets be honest, I was a terrible student in High School, and an even worse college student before I got married.  When Mic and I married and he convinced me I could do school and that I was smart enough, I chose hair (I don't regret it at all) and I am pretty darn good at it.  (especially now that I get so much practice) 
Doing hair speaks to my soul, I love just about every aspect of my field, but I especially love being with people and having so many different kinds of people to interact with.  I am so excited to go to work everyday because my day will never be the same... I never know who I will meet or how they will change my perspective on life.
The one bad thing about hair is that financially if something happened to Mic I could not take care of my family on what I make doing hair.  I worry about providing for my children if the worst happens (I swear I'm not planning a hostile take over).  
So I took sometime and examined what I like most about doing hair, the people.  Then I looked at the fields that are going to be in the highest demand over the next decade (health care, duh)... its easy to see why nursing would be another career that I would be completely content doing. 
Unfortunately, getting into the program will take nothing less than an act of the gods. Its a goal, I constantly plug away at, and hopefully this term will go smoothly (like a hot knife through butter)
So I have anxiety over all the things that don't matter right this second and I cry (a lot) and then I buckle down and get it done (hopefully). 

Wish me luck!  (I feel like playing a little OK GO)

No camera's please

Someone is practicing for his future in the spotlight... 

No pictures please

So comes the fall...

I love the leaves, but they are here to soon.

He is so happy in that dirty pile of leaves...  I heart little boys

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Are you Duck enough?

We made it to the Duck game, it was a blast!  This is the 2nd year in a row we have made it to the first home game of the season!  We sat in the end zone and had the duck to entertain us the entire time.  I get such a kick watching him and the cheerleaders!  We went w/ a dear friend from Moss Adams, and it was a blast just being there and enjoying the win!!
 This is my husband, due to conflicting schedules we have barely seen each other over the past 2 weeks... it was nice to have some time together!
 This is what happens when they review plays (I get a little bored)

Poor duck did alot of push ups!

We made the boys grilled cheese when we got home, I love that both their feet are up on the table (we don't believe in table manners, apparently?)

 I was making funny faces at Miles... but I am so red and it only getting worse!!

Mic turned on ESPN and Miles climbed into his lap to sit and watch

Thursday, September 8, 2011

CoOkiES aRe...

 a breakfast food!

This baby keeps me hoppin! 
Its a good thing he is so dang sassy, I can't resist his stubborn streak!  (I have always had a soft spot for bad boys)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Face stick and other stick uses

Mason got into my lipstick and well in his words ...  SOOOOO PWEETTTTYY, NNNNKKK  mama?
 Yup, so pretty!

Mason found a stick (pipe) in the misc. pile and he is demonstrating the many uses for it.   ie why I shouldn't throw it away.
like leading a song (or as weapon)
 Pretending to be a pirate

A stool... nope not a stool

He tried that once and apparently once is all it took.  (poor kid)

Movin on up!

The time has come my little friends

To talk of other things

Of shoes and ships and sealing wax ...


 No more tiny dead end kitchen
 No more built in closet space (I will miss this)
 No more horrible outdoor space with the neighbor dog's doo doo all over the place
No more chasing the boys up the stairs everymorning... and  no more dangerous parking lot! 

I won't lie, it broke my heart to say good bye to the only home the boys have ever known.  Apt 286 was the first home we have ever made for ourselves.  Alot of firsts happened there and saying farwell was aweful!  Micah and I suck at change, we struggle with the new (thats why its taken us so long to move)