Monday, November 22, 2010

Another use for Marshmallows

I mentioned in the last post that Tuesday is share day for Mason.  My SIL had the absolute best idea for Thanksgiving share day. 

So stinkin cute right!  Mason, Micah, and I made these after Miles went to bed tonight.  Such a fun family project. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

MMMM Chocolate...

Every Tuesday at daycare is share day, show and tell, and every Tuesday Mason wants to bring something to share.  Mama Catherine tells me that Mason always has to be the one to share, and makes sure that everyone has a toy, is happy...  he is the ultimate helper.  So every other Tuesday I try and have something for him to share that's a homemade treat.  We've done cookies, and Halloween treats, and this week it was brownies!  My little assistant helped me whip up a batch of brownies and he ran off with the spoon!

He ran to Micah, who was in the tub and helpless to fend off the spoon thief!
Seriously, how cute is that chocolate covered face?

School is going well, as well as can be expected.  So far I have A's in all my classes.  Who would have thought that if I did my HW and went to class I would pass (not me)!  I tend to procrastinate somethings, like math to the night before, oops!   Although, school is going good Micah and I are still trying to find a healthy rhythm, like he vacuums and I do the dishes (we are still in that I get pissed, slam around the kitchen, give him a few one word answers and then he takes out the trash[ my communication skills are really up there I know]).   We'll find our rhythm and then well tackle laundry! 
I am so grateful to all my awesome GFs, even though my time with them is usually when I'm driving to school or home, so far they still answer when I call. 
Thanks for all the sweet emails, happy messages, and prayers, I feel like I don't say thank-you enough, and that I will never be able to return the favors  (enough with my stor-imony) 
We are good, alive, living in filth, but totally content!

See the dirty carpet! 
This was Mase this morning, he was ready to go back to sleep on the carpet. (the little stinker, decided to stay up and do HW w/ me)  I had to carry him sleeping, in the rain out to the car, where he slept until we got to Mama Catherine's and then he was so excited he wouldn't even wave bye to me (as long as he's not crying I'm good)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

You know its time to start a diet when...

you get the family pics back and can't find yourself... I swear I was standing infront of Micah... oh wait!?!  CRAP!!!  I have decided that it must have been the camera, did you know it adds 50 lbs (me either)!?

I made this one big, because I laughed all night about this... Mic, our pissy kids, and I are standing on one side and everyone else is looking sweet on the other.  Look at Miles, hahaha, he was done!

Seriously, who is that chick infront on Micah?

Mason cried in almost all of the shots

Blah, I have a gym pass, its no ones fault but my own!

Mic saw this and said "I really am big", finally he is coming out of his denial and will stop trying to wear Mason's clothes (just picture it)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our first pet...

Micah and I have been taking turns grocery shopping and on the night he went, he accidentally let a visitor in.  After he left I pulled out the vacuum, to clean up and noticed a quick movement in front of Miles.  When I looked closer this little friend was making himself at home.

He was so tiny, I can't believe I even saw him! 
The boys and I put him outside, so that one day he will find an available princess to kiss him and turn him back into the a handsome prince!  (We've watched a lot of the Frog Princess lately)
Adieu mon ami! 

A very Sesame Halloween

Isn't Elmo a doll!!
 Please excuse the load of Laundry in the background

Miles was a little unsure of the guy in RED