I slept about 3 hours, I would love to say it was nerves, but for the most part I had started a book and I just couldn't put it down (lame I know)
4:30 I reluctantly rolled out of bed to, shower, put on make up and get my hair cute! (I wanted to look good for babys first pics)
5 I woke Micah up, got him showering and reminded him to shave.
540 running late as usual we ran out the door with a sleeping Mason, bottle of milk, and over night bags for Mase and I. Mentally I was making a list of the all the things I had forgotten.
550 Micah dropped me off at the hospital, late for my own surgery... I checked in, declined the wheel chair, and tried to hurry the mousiest woman I have ever met along, she asked 3 different times if I thought the cost of living in Cali is more than Oregon... I don't care lady I'm late!
610 Finally got the annoying woman checking me in to take me to the nurses so I could get changed, and hooked up to the machines.
611 Appologized to the nurses, and we ran throught the pre op stuff in record time
720 Micah made it back from dropping Mase, at my friend Alexis' home (god bless you Lex for taking Mase, and being such a trooper about the early drop off)
725 Docs came in and we headed to the operating room, to get my spinal... the guy got it on the first try, and I barely felt a thing, by far the best I have had! They laid me back on the table, draped me, and brought Mic in. This is the second baby Dr C. has cut out of me and with both surgeries he was floored by how chill Mic and I are... we cracked jokes, told stories, entertained the whole room while we practiced names for this new little guy.
744 Little man is born
8-11 I was in recovery, I still couldn't feel my legs and my nurse Carrie was so chill about everything I had no idea for the hell I was in for
They wheeled me to my room, and by this time they had stuffed me full of drugs
After a C-section, they monitor your bleeding really closely, because you don't dialate, the doctor will open your cervics from the inside to help blood clots pass through as you body cleans itself out. When my nurse went to check me around noon the blood started fountaining out of me. I could feel it (gross right)! Her face went white, Micah was out of the room, he went for some lunch (which was probably for the best) and she tried to tell me this was normal, as she was frantically calling for help (I didn't believe her of course, but freaking out was not a good choice at the moment) In marched 3 other nurses, the charge nurse, and my doc. The charge nurse and my nurse started massaging my abdomin while everyone else watched (yup I was on display for an audience of 5, I joked that I should have charged admission, no one laughed)...I'm still bleeding pretty good at this point and I can hear them discussing options (none that I liked). The bleeding finally stopped, but they put me on pitocin and some other thing to help me contract to tighten my Uterus, to stop the blood... so I'm having full on nasty contractions, but my doc(the purist) had taken me off of all my pain meds, but weak sauce vicodin. The bleeding had slowed, but everytime my nurses would change my position it would start up again... so they sent in Carrie my recovery nurse... she laid into my gut and Micah watched me about die of pain in front of his eyes... it was so intense after they left the room I started sobbing... all you crazies who give birth naturally, are nuts!! I've never felt pain like that before, and I hope to never feel it again! For several hours it was an aweful cycle of different nurses coming in, beating my stomache, Mic watching helplessly as I writhered in pain. Finally, around shift change things settled down, Dr C went home and Rhonda (Mason's nurse, we love her) Came in to say hi, saw the amount of pain I was in and helped my nurse get approval to put me a morphine drip, I can now say I know the difference between heaven and hell.
I was in the hospital for 3 days and 4 nights, and the whole time my son was lovingly taken care of by some of my dear friends! I am so lucky to be surrounded by such generous woman. I came home to a spotlessly cleaned home (thanks JoJo) and meals to last a week (thanks girls). I wish I could express to each of my friends how lucky I feel to have them, and how much I can't wait to return the favors!
Since we have been home, lots has happened. Mason's left ear drum ruptured that first weekend, and then he had a massive breakout of hives(docs have no idea why). The kid is doing his best to compete for center of attention. Miles had his circumcision on Thursday, he didn't cry once! He weighed in at 8lbs 7oz,
Dr K. says he looks like a champ!