Sunday, March 29, 2009

One test down three to go!!

We are so thrilled that Mic passed his first test! There are 3 more tests to go and then Mic is an honest to god real CPA! The count down for the end of busy season has begun!

Micah so excited he passed FAR with a 92!!!

All 4 of his front top teeth are in... that makes 8 total!

This outfit is dedicated to our very fashion awesome uncle Charles!!

My girl Maeli!

Her awesome Rockstar parents!

Mason and Mic rocking out!

This morning getting ready! I wonder why he likes to be naked so much?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A full week!

Mason and I made a trip to Wally World on Friday to get toppings for our pizzas. What trip to walmart is complete with out a visit to the toy aisle? I have been thinking about putting together a ball pit for Mason and hoping to do a lil pricing so it was a good excuse to head to toy land. The first aisle we turned down we found an eeyore toy and Mason's reaction was hilarious!

Mason curled up with a blankie watching SPROUT! This is how our early mornings look!

We went to the Science Factory with our friends Anna & Sophie... Mason hogged the ball pit and then had a cow when the lil boy in the mirror wouldn't play with him... my kid head butts the mirror... he couldn't possibly be a Clinger could he!

Our friends the Widmer's invited us to play rock band on Wed. night, we loved it! We have plans to take our show on the road!

Slash is that you?
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This is how he was for 2 hours, I had to kick him to get a turn!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Twizzlers are our friends & an easy recipe!

Mason got a treat when we went for a drink on Tuesday... he was not thrilled when it was time to get cleaned up!

I hate Barney!!! but Mason loves the songs so for now I will endure...

I try and make these with most of our dinners...
Easy Breadsticks
Time:30 mins makes: a cookie sheet full

1 T Yeast
1 1/2 C Warm water
2 T sugar
2 1/2- 3 C Flour
Garlic Salt, Parm cheese, 1/2 cube butter, Cheese *optional

Mix yeast, water, and sugar... allow to sit for yeast to work 3-5 mins
add flour and mix (add the last cup slowly to make sure you need all 3 cups)
Knead dow for 3 mins let rest for 10min
Melt a 1/4 Cube of butter in a reg size cookie sheet, roll out dough in pan (it does not need to look perfect or touch the sides evenly)
Use a pizza cutter to cut dough into strips (as big our as small as you like, the cuts aren't going to go all the way across its ok)
Melt and paint with rest of butter, sprinkle with garlic salt and parm... or cover with cheese for cheese sticks. Bake 375 for 20 mins

*I add a Cup of wheat flour... no one seems to notice (it makes them look Golden brown and its that much healthier!)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Its only Monday.....

Today we got an ok start on the day... than at 9:30 Mason had a melt down during breakfast... the kind of melt down that sends cereal across the room, and messy hands digging into and ripping out clean hair (our worst tantrum... yet) So I pick lil napolean up and try to nurse him, thats when I catch the blood in his mouth, again! The last front tooth has finally stopped the bulging and gotten down to business... I held Mase all morning and finally got him to down for a nap... got our menu for the rest of the month figured out and then a grocery list, paid some bills, balanced our check book and started some laundry.

When Mason woke up I am felt like a stud-ett, so i pack him up and head to winco and it all fell apart! He screamed the whole way there, I almost ran out of gas trying to find a gas station, I hit winco at 4:00 just intime for late rush, I almost got hit by some fool, Mason continued to cry through the store, some lady tisk tisked tisked me, i told her to mind her own business, it started raining again as soon as I walked out into the parking lot, I forgot half the ingredients for dinner tonight, I just realized the laundry has sat all day and need to be washed again, Mason cryed while i put away the groceries, and just now he cryed him self to sleep....

Why is it no one tells you about days like this in Home Ec... seriously?

Oh well at least i put an old lady in her place! and for now my child has tylenol for the pain, cheerios in his tummy, and dreams on his lil mind!

An easy going weekend...

Our weekend was super chill... it didn't really start until Sunday (Micah worked on Sat) So of course we played hooky from church... your all shocked I know!

Micah got up at 7 and brought Mason into our bed. Mase decided that it was time to play (we were both tired and more comatose than not) So he crawled between the 2 of us slapping both of our faces hoping and waiting for a response... after 15 mins of that we got him settled back down, I was feeding him, and Micah of course went right back to sleep snoring very loudly! Mason decided to snore too... he would close his eyes and snore deep in his throat 2-3 times and then he would open his eyes and look at Micah. How can you sleep when something funny like that happens... we laughed for a few minutes and were back asleep before 7:30.

I made a yummy breakfast for my guys and Micah and Mase fought over the twice baked potatoes...I pulled rank and Mason won!

Mason was more than ready to eat

He even help push his chair up to the table... you know he's hungry when he's trying to crawl into his seat.

washing down a yummy salty breakfast.
We got ready and took a drive... our new fav thing is to hit up the open houses... it kills me what some people think their homes are worth! No we aren't buying a home anytime soon... its just nice to see whats out there and get ideas for what we want!

Mason waiting for Micah to stop chatting with the realtor... the last of dad's dum dum sure helped!

I though this was such a funny chubby shot last night

Our lil man is 8 1/2 Months old!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A new camera, a new beginning!

I will do a better longer post later this weekend, but just a quick party dance... I got a new camera... Micah spoils me (he really was just tired of my whining)! Its a super cute Cannon powershot SD790 WAAAHOOO! I got it on sale at BestBuy for 169.00 and then bought the 4G card so the whole bill was like 182.00... Good Deal!!!

Here are some funny pictures of Mase... he has been making the silliest faces lately... these are just a small sample! He is not constipated or even angry... just randomnly he does this and then he will growl... I know he didn't get this from my side! hahaha

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stupid broken camera!

So it may be a while before I post any new pics, my cute camera is not taking pics... I think the flash is broken! So sorry until i decide whether to buy a new camera or have mine fixed our blog will run picture free!

Our lives are good, Micah took his test, but he just feel very confident that he passed... he said that he rocked the test in the beginning all through the muliple choice the better he did the harder it got (dumb smart tests) and he thinks he rocked the first simulation and got slammed on the second with some very obscure foreign entities, trading blah blah blah (while he was explaining this question my eyes glazed over and I fell alseep) Long story short the very last question was incredible difficult and even though he studied for 3 months we will cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Mason is moving and progressing way too fast for me... he is standing very confidently now and can crawl across the room with out stopping...

I am doing better now that I have my husband in the late evening, I try more and more recipes and our waists are quickly widening(dang) I dream of having great legs again (my ankles are still pretty hot FYI) I am searching for an easy quilt pattern and learning to knit... I know boring!